Comments on: PMC 35: Eddie Deezen a Podcast Sensation(ish) hosted by Cole Stratton and Vanessa Ragland Fri, 27 Jan 2017 17:56:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ross Wed, 13 Jun 2012 15:39:27 +0000 I think my first Beatles singles were learned once-removed: I got to know their first half a dozen US hits from the Chipmunks’ Beatles album(which we nearly wore holes in, along with their Christmas album from about the same time).

By the way, if you want to see not only Furst’s transformation into a slim guy(who finally looks like an adult) and some amazing acting by him, watch “Babylon 5”. The arc of his character over the seasons was just remarkable.

And lastly, I personally really like most of “1941”, particularly Stack’s “Vinegar Joe” Stillwell(just as in “Airplane”, he understood that he should play it straight as an arrow–although, by all accounts, Stillwell was more acerbic & snappish when annoyed, hence the nickname) and the great Warren Oates. I think part of the reason it didn’t click w/audiences was that, although the West Coast’s reaction(in real life) to Pearl Harbor was in many ways/places just as ridiculous as in the film(minus the property damage to L.A.), the rest of the country didn’t believe it was like that–and those who were there at the time & lost their heads would never have admitted it, even to themselves. But, dig around in the newspapers of the time & you can find some bizarre stories, especially in some of the more isolated, unworldly communities.

By: SpookyJanelle Thu, 26 May 2011 22:56:57 +0000 Okay, I have an old book about Marx Brothers films that actually explains the odd cut that Eddie refers to when he speaks of “Horse Feathers.” There was actually a whole other scene there that was taken out, supposedly for a “television” cut, as the author puts it. Although, given that the Hays Production Code was adopted in 1930 and then enacted rather harshly in 1934, and this film is from 1932, I think it is also entirely possible that the scene was considered inappropriate and that it was “censored” hastily and without care to the film itself after the fact. The same thing happens in “Animal Crackers” when, during “Hooray for Captain Spaulding,” a few frames seem to be missing after Margaret Dumont sings that he’s “the only white man to cover every acre.” Groucho originally followed that with “I think I’ll try and make her” which got cut out.

The book, “The Marx Brothers – Their World of Comedy” by Allen Eyles, describes the scene like this:

“‘What do you want?’ asks Connie sharply as Harpo reappears. Harpo points at her. Connie decides, like Penelope, to play up to him. ‘Are you a good boy?’ she asks, and Harpo shakes his head. ‘You’re bashful,’ she observes, presumably because he hasn’t spoken. In answer, Harpo nods, looks bashful, and stands on his head in Connie’s lap. She cries for him to get off her and he does, sitting alongside her on the sofa with one foot tucked under him. She tells him to take his foot off the sofa,. Harpo shakes his head defiantly and makes his ‘gookie’ expression, so she tries to pull it off. Harpo pulls her leg in return. She slaps him, a knock is heard, and he pulls her on to his lap. It is Groucho looking for his hat and rubbers. Connie points in one direction while the hidden Harpo points in another. Connie seems to be slapping herself as Harpo’s hands become playful. ‘Come now, where’s my hat?’ asks Groucho and Connie seems to point in three directions at once. Groucho finds his rubbers on Harpo’s feet, sticking out from underneath Connie, and mistakes them for hers. Eyeing the expanse of muscular leg (Harpo’s trousers are rolled up), he comments, ‘we could use you in the football team.’ Groucho takes off the rubbers and tries to put them on his own feet; but Harpo’s feet are so positioned that he puts them back where they came from, on Harpo. Chico and Jennings come back. Connie stands up, revealing Harpo, clutching a block of ice beneath her. Groucho rushes to the window while Chico and Harpo dart out of the door. Arriving below the window, Chico encourages Groucho to jump. Harpo brings out a dog catcher’s net to arrest his fall. Groucho jumps. Harpo hears a dog barking and gives chase, letting Groucho thud to the ground.”

Did I earn my film nerd/Marx Brothers nerd badge with this post? 😉

By: SpookyJanelle Thu, 26 May 2011 20:19:38 +0000 I’m very late to this, but, as a huge Beatles fan, it would be a crime for me not to post the first Beatles song I was obsessed with. When I was two, I would go around with my toy guitar and sing “Twist and Shout.” My love with the Beatles dates back to when I was a toddler. Ahhh, memories.

By: brian Thu, 31 Mar 2011 20:03:11 +0000 I just caught up to this episode, and it was so great… Eddie was an awesome guest. I hope you have him back.

By: holly Wed, 16 Mar 2011 23:00:08 +0000 boy oh boy… eddie really brought it! what a fantastic interview.
love the questions @ the end of each show!
btw, i’ve met the olson twins, they’re tiny and were cool (not too aloof) to me.

By: Melissa W. Fri, 11 Mar 2011 07:51:00 +0000 Holy crap, I have a recipe for shakshuka saved to try some time and I’ve purchased za’atar in the past! I didn’t recognize the names until you described them but I still am feeling pretty exotic right now! My Beatles obsession was Strawberry Fields… mostly because of the movie Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band as much as I hate to admit that. I’d group that movie in with The Pirate Movie, I had no idea how bad they were at the time. By the way, it made my heart very happy that you talked about The Pirate Movie. I was obsessed with that movie. I remember calling the video store asking if they had “The Pirate Movie.” “Which one?” “That’s the name!” So frustrating.

By: Chopper Wed, 09 Mar 2011 04:01:09 +0000 I’ve always been a HUGE Beatles fan, and it seems every day I have a different favorite song, but if I had to pick one today, it would be ‘You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away.’

For as long as I can remember, my family had a copy of ‘HELP!’ on Beta (then, sadly, half of ‘HELP!’ on VHS) and I think that that movie had a lot to do with my obsession. Seeing the band and their senses of humor made me appreciate them on a different level. And this song, while it’s a great tune alone, really stands out because it utilizes that guy who cuts the grass in the Beatles’ apartment with teeth for the flute solo.

I could go on, but that’s my answer right now.

By: Shawn Colton Wed, 09 Mar 2011 02:34:38 +0000 Great show as always !

The first Beatles album I was *obsessed* with was the “White Album” though Abbey Road is my very favorite.

By: NL Tue, 08 Mar 2011 23:18:04 +0000 My mom was really into the Beatles. I like them (of course) but was never obsessed with them or anything.

I was obsessed with Punky Brewster. I had Punky Brewster shoes! I thought “Soleil Moon Frye” was the best name ever. And of course, I learned that I should never climb into empty refrigerators.

By: Mickeyitaliano Tue, 08 Mar 2011 08:19:35 +0000 What a great guy. What great energy. Good for him. Vanessa,you are sounding like Guilianna Ransic (sp) more and more obsessing over bodies.
Would you rather: Be Joan Holliway for life or Kate Bosworth for a week (sans Skarsgard). I really dig you guys. Glad someone exposed me to you guys.

By: leslie Tue, 08 Mar 2011 00:08:11 +0000 haha about a league of their own, i never could tell if that scene was being played in super slow motion, in which case kit was probably safe, at least in a time before instant replays…. however, i did take the time to google it and found at least one discussion where they were discussing it. 8th post down, note the /rant folder.

when i was younger i always said that i hated the beatles but i was in fact unaware that the beatles did “come together”, which i was sort of addicted to.

By: Mattamatics Mon, 07 Mar 2011 20:06:09 +0000 First song by who now? the Monkees? In all seriousness, I remember watching Yellow Submarine at a young age and being obsessed with “Nowhere Man.”

Great job all around, guys!

By: Sampo Mon, 07 Mar 2011 19:33:11 +0000 FYI Eddie has apparently heard and believed the widespread rumor that Kim Milford of Laserblast died of AIDS. In fact, he died (at an admittedly young age) of heart failure following open heart surgery several weeks earlier.

By: Erin Mon, 07 Mar 2011 18:15:19 +0000 I tried, but can’t remember the first Beatles song I was obsessed with. However, I can tell you I had the LP single of Paul McCartney and Wings “With a Little Luck”, and I played the grooves off of it with my Fisher Price record player. I was 5 or 6.

P.S. -Vanessa, I laughed at your “It was an honor just to be nauseated” joke, even though no one else seemed to hear you say it.

P.S.S. -I wish I had the picture of me dressed up for Halloween as Punky Brewster, even though the most specific thing I can remember about it was that my pants were unzipped, and were the entire evening. *sad trombone*
