Comments on: PMC 85: Kathleen Rose Perkins a Podcast Sensation(ish) hosted by Cole Stratton and Vanessa Ragland Fri, 27 Jan 2017 17:56:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alec Fri, 13 Jul 2012 02:13:08 +0000 One day during french class in Grade 9, we went down to do some research for an essay. When I told my teacher, Madame Pelletier, that I’d forgotten my password, she left my username alone, went to the password field, hit four keys and *boom*– I was logged in. This had to be some sort of master password, and she hadn’t even tried to hide it away from me. The next time our class went to the computer room, I helped another kid who couldn’t log in by showing him the password. He told it to someone else, and they told it to someone else, and about two weeks later someone ended up wiping the hard drives of a bunch of the machines.

The principal didn’t really even seem pissed when he brought me in to explain myself, but told me that he’d have to ban me from the computer room for the rest of the term.

By: sbomber Thu, 12 Jul 2012 02:38:45 +0000 I was in fourth grade and it was recess. We were having a rousing game of “keep out” from the fenced off area on our playground. The girls were keeping us out, and doing an admirable job at that, when we had an idea. Another kid and I decided to double team her ( maybe I should rethink typing that?) and pull her off the gate she was blocking by herself. Our plan was working great as we were about to pull her completely away and taste the sweet taste of victory things turned to shit. We all stumbled and she got hurt…..broken arm hurt.

We were all called into the office later that day and questioned about the incident. I talked my way around my actual involvement and skated with getting yelled at. Thank god this was ’87ish before parents were cops and litigation crazy and it was all chalked up to over zealous playing.

By: fatcraftybitch Tue, 10 Jul 2012 16:05:16 +0000 As with most schools, the latest fads were banned at my elementary school. I was in 4th grade when I decided to sneak in some contraband. I quickly showed a friend my stash and he grabbed them and was looking at them. Of course the teacher saw them, found out they were mine (the asshole ratted me out) and I was sent to the principal’s office. The principal took them from me and said I’d have to do a detention in order to get them back.
I ended up never going to detention (because I was too scared and had no idea where or when detention was…my principal was a bit of an idiot) and got my stash back at the end of the year by which time the fad was no longer cool.

I was sent to the principals office over Pokemon cards.
What can I say? I’m a badass
