PMC 107: Erinn Hayes
Posted in: Podcast

Comment by Mike Fleishman — March 5, 2013 @ 9:56 am
When I was in high school, a buddy and I were in Baltimore while the Blue Jays were in town. We were at Hooters in Inner Harbor (for the wings) and two tables over was Jose Conseco and another player (who knows). Biggest forearms I’ve ever seen in my life. Steroids work, kids! My buddy and I go over and ask him to sign a napkin and he says “I only give autographs to the waitresses.” Once an asshat….
Comment by Bryan_ — March 5, 2013 @ 2:09 pm
When I was maybe 8 or 9 I went to a University of Louisville basketball game and sat only a few rows back from the players bench. After the game I quickly made my way to the bench and asked Denny Crum to sign a small basketball I had. He did so very nicely and I eventually got most of the team to sign it, too. Still have that ball.
Comment by corinne — March 5, 2013 @ 6:23 pm
I have seen the band Ours just a zillion times at this point, and have the singer, Jimmy Gnecco,’s signature on posters, cd booklets, more cd booklets, things I tore off walls..
Comment by MIke — March 6, 2013 @ 5:31 am
I was studying in London the spring that Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart did Waiting for Godot together. My friend and I got day-of tickets for the show–we sat in the first row for ten quid, which was amazing, because at one point McKellan was sitting on the front of the stage–on our last night in the city. After the show, we thought we would try to go to the stage door. We arrived to find an angry gentleman explain they would only sign things from this show (much to the chagrin of a guy with X-Men photos like the one used for this story) and no one was allowed to take photos.
Both Stewart and McKellan stopped and talked to us for a minute because they recognised us from the front row and noticed our accents. Stewart carried himself with a dignified and regal air, but was so gracious when we told him it was our last night in London before returning home (he also complimented the bowtie I was wearing). McKellan was like everyone’s gay grandpa; he couldn’t stop smiling. He complimented the jacket I was wearing and asked about my label pin, which I’d picked up a couple weeks earlier when I saw Romeo and Juliet at the Globe. He asked me if the show was any good, to which I sheepishly responded, “it was wonderful, but not Ian-McKellan-in-Waiting-for-Godot wonderful”. He chortled and thanked me for the compliment.
I now understand why little girls scream and cry when they see Justin Beiber… I had a Waterboy-like stutter when I was trying to talk to them and I was shaking furiously.
Comment by Alec — March 6, 2013 @ 11:03 pm
I just want to say that your podcast’s been a source of fun and entertainment for me for a while now and I wish could lift Vanessa’s spirits even a tiny bit compared to what she’s a;ready given me.
Comment by Ciara — March 7, 2013 @ 7:43 am
My sincere condolences Vanessa – I can’t even imagine. Thanks for a fantastic podcast. Take care.
Comment by Lamb — March 7, 2013 @ 4:11 pm
On the Dan Stevens issue- find the tv version of Sense & Sensibility that he was in. It’s great, but the weird thing is that they made him basically look like a Hugh Grant clone (brown floppy hair, great blue eyes, a bit bumbly) due to playing the same role Grant played in Emma Thompson’s version.
Comment by Brett — March 7, 2013 @ 6:01 pm
Nobody I want to meet comes to where I live. The was this large car show and I waited in line for an hour and a half to meet WWE wrestler The Big Show. I was 10 or eleven at the time. I remember when I met him I was scared of him because of how big he was. He was over a foot taller than me sitting. Still to this day he has the biggest hands of anyone I’ve ever met. I didn’t keep the autograph because he oddly signed his crotch so it was weird to have.
Comment by Danny — March 11, 2013 @ 6:17 am
I went to an Eric Idle concert when I was in high school and got him to sign a CD booklet.
Comment by Micah Rafferty — March 11, 2013 @ 9:07 am
When I was about 10, I cut out a full page ad from “17 Magazine” of Brooke Shields and her Calvins. My dad helped me find an address (her agent, managment? not sure). I sent it off and waited hopefully for a couple of months. About 5-6 months later, when I had long given up, It showed up in my mailbox, her signature in big curliques right along the endless, denim glazed legs. Huge thrill!
Comment by Lily — March 14, 2013 @ 12:36 am
C’mon guys, I love your podcast, but please leave Anne Hathaway alone. Hathaway is harmless , and she is the anti-Britney Spears ( air headed hot mess ) , anti-Courtney Love ( drug addled hot mess ) , the anti- Lindsay Lohan ( hot mess media whore that is lost ) , and Joan & Melissa Rivers ( bitter, angry & jealous hot messes with their Alien vs. Predator plastic surgery nightmare faces ) . In today’s day and age, Anne is that rare young A-list starlet that is intelligent, articulate, witty, and classy. Plus, she is not a walking & talking plastic surgery nightmare. Seriously, we need to applaud more of these celebrity females, like Hathaway.
Comment by Jen — March 14, 2013 @ 8:31 pm
First: Vanessa’s voice is the main reason I came back for a listen after hearing the first podcast I heard from you, and that was enough to get me hooked. You always sound upbeat and your laugh is contagious! So the iTunes reviewer is a mental case for thinking anything else. 2nd – my sympathies on your loss.
First autograph I asked for was Peter Tork who came to Hands Across America in Johnstown PA in 1985. The Monkees was my favorite show at the time. He signed it and drew a hand to signify the event. Ah, MTV in the 80s! It had music and music shows!
Comment by Su — March 25, 2013 @ 2:04 pm
I’m very late to the game but..The first autograph I asked for was from T.C. Boyle. I was at a reading and the only thing I had to be signed was my driver’s license and the witness lines for organ donation. He agreed and became my first witness. Later that year I found myself at a John Waters speaking event. Again, the only thing I had to sign was my license. That’s how T.C. Boyle and John Waters became my witnesses for organ donation for the state of Illinois.
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