Comments on: PMC 104: Pop My Cork (Part 2) – The Worst of 2012 a Podcast Sensation(ish) hosted by Cole Stratton and Vanessa Ragland Fri, 27 Jan 2017 17:56:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bob D. Tue, 15 Jan 2013 01:23:32 +0000 Worst of 2012

1. Shooting of teachers and children by deranged killer. Then finding out that the mother of the shooter had legally obtained the weapons that he used and she wanted them for her own protection but got killed with them. This is so ironic that it is frightening.

2. Mitt Romney’s son telling the world that his father never really wanted to be POTUS. Then why did he run if his heart was not in it?

3. Adam Sandler continues to crank out crappy movies that people seem to love.

4. Ben Affleck not getting Oscar nod for Best Director yet winning the award at two other prominent award shows. Sometimes there is no justice or logic in this world.

5. Justin Beiber. I know he’s cute but I see a wall coming up for his career. For all you youngsters out there, look up 50’s star Fabian to see what I mean. Talent ultimately will dictate his longevity.

By: Karrah Mon, 14 Jan 2013 19:22:04 +0000 Best, in no real order…
1. Girls. As a girl in her early twenties trying to figure out what the hell I’m doing, I related to this show more than I have any other. It’s painfully real and I became obsessed with it this year. Lena Dunham is my soul sister and I applaud her for not being afraid to show her embarrassingly tiny breasts.
2. Parenthood. I had never watched before this season, and I went back and got caught up on Netflix. It’s the best drama on network TV right now in my opinion. If a family drama can make me want to be part of that family, then I think it is doing something right.
3. The Perks of Being a Wallflower. It’s been my favorite book since high school and I was both excited and skeptical about it being made into a movie. But since Stephen Chbosky adapted his own novel, it was perfect. Even if the book hadn’t meant so much to me, I would still think it was a great movie on its own.
4. William Daniels on Grey’s Anatomy. I loved his whole arc and character for the short time that they had him. I’ve stuck with the show because I just can’t quit watching it, and his arc with Sandra Oh’s character made me feel more emotions watching the show than I have for at least a couple of seasons.
5. Announcement of the Boy Meets World spinoff, Girl Meets World. As a 90s kid, this was my favorite show growing up and it means so much to my generation. I love that we are going to get to see the love story of Cory and Topanga again.

Now the worst…
1. “Legitimate rape.” Ignorant dickheads should never speak “off the cuff” about something as serious as rape. Also, Kirk Cameron apparently supported Todd Akin’s views. This shames me as a Growing Pains fan.
2. Breaking Amish. I loved this show at first, and then I found out that most of it was fabricated. Most of these kids had been out of the Amish culture for quite some time, and two of the people who supposedly met on the show and fell in love, were actually already married with children. It was greatly disappointing and not as fun to watch after knowing that.
3. XFactor. Not just Britney on XFactor, which was bad, but the entire show. Simon Cowell isn’t tough like he used to be, the theatrics are just too much, and nothing about it feels genuine. I don’t become attached to any of the contestants at all. Britney was not the only problem with the show this season. It had just as many problems the first season.
4. Chris Brown. My opinion on Chris Brown is exactly the same as Cole’s. He is a vile presence in pop culture and just needs to go away.
5. Facebook. It just keeps getting worse and worse. I’ve contemplated deleting my account a million times but then I always keep it for some reason. But it’s not even fun anymore. #TwitterForLife

My song of the year is “Same Mistakes” by the Echo Friendly. I first heard it when it was playing during the end credits of Girls, and I immediately had to find out what it was and download it. The lyrics perfectly describe how it sometimes feels to be a young adult, screwing up all the time.

Also, I started listening to Cole and Vanessa’s podcast this year and now I look forward to it more than I do some of my favorite TV shows. I always find myself wanting to chime in on the conversation and I feel like Cole and Vanessa are friends of mine that make me laugh hysterically. Keep it up guys, we really appreciate what you do. And congrats on your pregnancy, Vanessa!

By: corinne Sun, 13 Jan 2013 04:41:18 +0000 Can I have the Inception noise as a soundtrack for the year? Pretty sure…


2) Moved home, discovered that my friends up here are in fact as shitty at being friends as I’d thought, that wasn’t just memories tainted by high school angst.

3) Elementary – really shouldn’t judge, because I haven’t actually seen it, but… why even did they make this, Sherlock is just so good

4) Every damn recipe in Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes A Day requires vital wheat gluten? What is that even about?

5) Certain shows/movies that you just can’t find (legally) streaming anywhere. The things Netflix has only on disk are so frustrating!

By: Vincent S Sat, 12 Jan 2013 16:28:35 +0000 Vanessa, congrats on filling your lady bits with man fluids resulting in an eventual birthing. May your future fetal release procedures not endure a thousand pains.

Seriously though, Congrats on the future kid.

By: Spencer Greenfield Sat, 12 Jan 2013 05:18:09 +0000 5.) THE ACTUAL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Gross. But the ending was alright I guess.
4.) THE FAKE ‘FAKE GEEK GIRL EPIDEMIC’: Can’t someone like something without being accused of being an attention whore? Apparently not.
3.) HERE COMES HONEY BOO-BOO: Onion headline: “You Do, Of Course, Realize That This Is Going To End Very, Very Badly”
2.) BRICKLEBERRY: Dear god, no.
1.) EVERY GUN-OWNER LOSES THEIR GODDAMN MINDS: Do I really need to say why? This was a banner year for gun violence in America, but hopefully it’ll actually spark discussion.

By: Jen Braun Fri, 11 Jan 2013 21:19:00 +0000 My worsts:
1. Romney had a chance to be President. Come on America!
2. Facebook drama and memes. So over.
3. My friend Michelle is moving across the country.
4. Jack Klugman died. 🙁
5. My sister is getting a divorce.

By: grumblesnakes Fri, 11 Jan 2013 21:11:57 +0000 Vanessa looks like Peg Bundy in that picture. That’s a good thing as far as i’m concerned.

By: Rik Fri, 11 Jan 2013 16:22:17 +0000 1) People overreacting about movies. The Dark Knight Rises doesn’t live up to your expectations? It’s immediately the worst. movie. ever. Are people getting more dramatic about this or did I only start noticing it last year?

All the insecurity and confusion around Community and Parks & Recreation. I just want to know whether they’re getting cancelled or not. Having to say goodbye to 30 Rock is hard enough. (Guess I’m getting more dramatic too)

3) My bicycle falling apart. I’ve spent more money on repairs than on the actual bike by now. I can live with having to get my brakes fixed and stuff, but my actual frame breaking in half? That’s just rude.

4) The trailer for End Of Watch. So loud, so obnoxious, so in front of every movie for six months. (I remember Cole tweeted about this as well. Are you super relieved it’s gone too?)

5) Seeing posters of a bewildered looking hobo all around town – then finding out it’s Brad Pitt. When people pay you seven million dollars for some photos, the least you could do is wash your hair.
