Pop My Culture



Erin Gibson and Bryan Safi of Throwing Shade interview on Pop My Culture podcast

Erin Gibson and Bryan Safi (co-hosts of the Throwing Shade podcast) chat with Cole and Vanessa about Robin Thicke, Gary Oldman’s Playboy interview, space cream, “vegan-friendly” podcasts, Biz Marquee, Harrison Ford’s injury, celebrity apologies, Battle of the Network Stars, eye hairs and living troll dolls.

Leave your answer to the firsts question (the first time you can remember winning a cash prize) on our website for a chance to win a comfy new Pop My Culture T-Shirt!

Erin Gibson and Bryan Safi with hosts Cole Stratton and Vanessa Ragland of Pop My Culture Podcast


  • Comment by Allen P. Williams — June 27, 2014 @ 9:17 am

    The fist cash prize I remember winning (sort of) was when I turned 18, a few days earlier my dad bought a lotto ticket and won $100 and then gave it to me for my birthday and said “you won the lottery”.

  • Comment by Gordon Guano — June 27, 2014 @ 11:39 am

    I’ve never won a cash prize of any sort. But an XL Pop My Culture shirt would go a long way towards easing that pain… 😉

  • Comment by Steven — June 27, 2014 @ 7:11 pm

    What a clash of my two favorite podcasts!

    My first cash win was from a homescoolers only poetry contest, how niche
    Ten years old, and twenty bucks for 1st place

  • Comment by Rob S. — June 28, 2014 @ 4:17 pm

    When I was 18 I bought $10 worth of scratch lotto tickets. I won $50.

  • Comment by Todd Mason — July 1, 2014 @ 1:15 pm

    Best “couples” podcasts (along with the increasingly threesomely WHO CHARTED?), though DO YOU NEED A RIDE is coming up fast) combine…frabjuous. Calloo!

    I dunno…I kinda got a misogynist vibe off Allen from the ’70s, since all the women characters who didn’t see past the awkwardness and handsiness of the Allen characters to the Wunderful Guy Underneath were supposedly idiots, by the scripts. I thought WHAT’S UP, TIGER LILY pretty damned funny when I was ten, but even there it helped that Louise Lasser et al. were improv riffing with Allen…kinda like that pure fratboy+++ entitlement vibe that came off Robin Thicke (I didn’t know before this podcast that Thicke and Patton had been bonded since adolescence, which seems almost odd, though helps to explain how he might have managed to outshine everyone else she might be meeting…).

    I might’ve won money for the first time in an office pool at TV GUIDE as to which new primetime series would come in where in the ratings…I came in second, and it was something like $75.

    Wow, that’s kinda how I suspected Current went…

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